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5 Ways You Can Leverage The Power Of AI For Your Online Marketing Needs

    Artificial Intelligence has been the subject of much controversy over recent months, given how much it has been disrupting the digital marketing space. But rather than cower in fear before it, you should dip your toes in and see how you can leverage it to benefit you.

    In this article, we’re going to highlight 5 ways that you can use the power of AI to help with your online marketing needs.


    In-depth subject research

    First of all, various AI tools like ChatGPT are fairly handy for conducting in-depth subject research. Assuming you have your focus keywords and know what kind of topics you would like to be writing about, you can use AI to provide you with extensive research for you to draw from when writing your piece.

    Just be sure to fact-check everything. Unfortunately, the likes of ChatGPT have been known to “hallucinate” whereby it essentially makes stuff up, rather than say “I don’t know anything on that subject.”

    Generate blog titles

    The titles of your blogs are arguably equally (if not more so) important than the body of the content itself. This is because a quality blog title can inspire potential readers to click on the link and proceed to read your content.

    That said, writing exciting and engaging titles is much easier said than done. The good news? AI is actually rather good at coming up with catchy, “SEO optimised” titles for you to use. Simply share your focus keywords and some subject matter and they will come back to you with multiple options to choose from.

    Help structure your writing

    If you know what you want to write about but you aren’t particularly very good at presenting your writing or structuring it properly, AI is getting rather good at it.

    So, you can simply pump out all of the information that you want to get across and then ask the likes of ChatGPT to structure it accordingly using various headers, line breaks, and bulleted lists to break it up and make it easier to read.

    Provide actionable marketing tips

    Another great way to utilise AI is to seek actionable marketing tips. Let’s say that you are trying email marketing for the first time but you have no idea where to start; AI can come back to you with a road map of sorts to inspire action and help you get started.

    Let it do the hard work for you

    Or if you really can’t be bothered, you can have AI do all of your writing for you. That said, you should tread lightly. ChatGPT and other similar software is indeed very impressive, however, it’s not quite got the edge on human writers just yet.

    Not only that, but the content will never be truly “unique”. This is because AI draws from existing content written by human writers to create its own.

    As such, if you want to truly stand out from your competitors and create high-value, meaningful content, you are far better off hiring the professionals instead.

    Final thoughts

    AI has its uses and it can certainly bring excellent value to our lives, however, when it comes to the marketing of your business online, we would highly recommend that you hire a professional digital marketing agency instead.

    The fact is, AI is only as good as the person guiding it. So, if you have very little understanding of or experience in digital marketing, using AI will only get you so far.

    Instead, invest in SEO services in Singapore and let the pros who have been marketing businesses for years and years handle it instead. After all, when it comes to creating content that resonates with human consumers, you can’t beat a human touch!

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