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Why Saas Marketing Is Basic Need for 2023?

What is SaaS Marketing?

SaaS Marketing basically aims to promote any kind of intangible product aka software. Because the product cannot be seen or touched - its promotion requires a slightly different strategy. That’s why marketers need to focus on creating product demos, devising content that discusses product features, and also telling prospects how the product can solve their everyday problems.

Why Saas Marketing Is Basic Need for 2021 ?

Why SaaS Marketing is Needed in 2022?

The reason SaaS companies need to get serious about marketing is that the industry is booming rapidly. There’s a surge of competition in the arena which means companies are working hard to grab the first spot. In 2020, SaaS was estimated to be a $105 Billion industry. That’s huge. It’s clear the industry is a tough one. 

If you’re not taking marketing seriously - you’re possibly losing top positions and eventually sales at the hands of your competitors. To crack the top positions in SERPs and to attract the right kind of customers - marketing is no longer an option for you.

But, how can you achieve all of that? Well, let’s take a look at unique SaaS marketing strategies that will keep you afloat in 2022 and beyond...

Offer a Freemium Version

A freemium version is when you offer a service/product for no/low charge with mostly no time limit. However, the features are only limited. The upside to this arrangement is people get to try and see all the benefits and become as comfortable with the product as possible without committing to any long-term costs.

Below are the benefits of giving a freemium product version:

  • Builds a loyal following 
  • Helps you get hands on user data
  • Popularizes your product as mainstream

And, even though the majority of customers will never become paying ones, you can always use advanced features as bait to attract paying customers. You can do that by offering stuff like -

  1. Extra storage capacity
  2. Enhanced features
  3. Better customer support
  4. Etc.

However, on the downside to this model, you will have to spend a lot of money to run and manage the software. Also, the majority may never fully realize the benefits of moving to the paid model. 

But, there are ways to increase revenue from the freemium model. For example, you can run advertisements or sell additional compatible products to create multiple sources of revenue.


Offer Demos

You can offer demos via a bunch of channels such as videos, webinars, and Live options on Instagram and Facebook. The product demo is the only way in which you can offer an interactive space to establish a connection with users. 

You can show what the product is truly capable of. What all features the product has to offer, what kind of use-cases it comes with, the kind of pain points it can resolve, and how it fits into a customer’s daily requirements. 

Customer Reviews on Sites

SaaS products can be tricky because people cannot see or touch them. Their true value is hard to ascertain by just looking at them. That’s why prospects would turn to review sites and customer testimonials.

They need solid social proof before making the purchase. That’s when channels and 3rd party directories such as Capterra, Software Advice, G2crowd, and SaaSGenius come to your rescue. 

You can ask your happiest customers to leave promising reviews on Google as well as any other sites where people look for SaaS product testimonials. You can also display the reviews on your website’s front page. It’s estimated that testimonials can give about an 18% boost in the SaaS sales.


Collaborate With Influencers

Influencer marketing is the latest and the greatest thing. When done rightly, it can expose your brand to a huge audience and bring an influx of paying customers. Think of it like a cross between celebrity endorsement and word-of-mouth marketing. They showcase your products to their audience, explain what it’s all about, and nudge them in the direction of making a purchase.

For SaaS products, influencers can be a big deal. Dashlane and Audible are companies that effectively used influencer marketing to their advantage.

Content is Key

The value of content and SEO for SaaS cannot be underestimated. For SaaS-based brands some of the most effective forms of content are : 

  • Blog posts
  • Podcasts
  • Email marketing
  • Newsletter
  • Trade Show materials
  • Case studies
  • White paper
  • Webinars
  • Explainer and demo videos

Aim to create a cross between freely accessible and gated content. It’s good to have a rich library on your website housing Q&As, how-tos, videos, ebooks, case studies, etc. 

Customize Emails

Customized emails are literally free for usage. And, they’re not going to go out of style anytime soon. After you have secured a strong footing with content, it’s now time to capture prospects and convert them into leads. 

That’s where segmented email marketing can be of great help. You can create personalized emails for users who are at different stages of the sales funnel. You can even close deals by sending post-sales emails.

Use Competitor Strategy for Social Media Success

Your best strategies are going to come from looking under the hood of your most successful competitors. All you have to do is visit their pages and do a good analysis.

It’s good to look at:

  • The kind of posts that are driving maximum engagement
  • The tone of the posts
  • Their positioning strategy

Bottom Line

SaaS marketing can be quite tricky (especially when you don’t know what you’re doing). But, one thing is for sure - with the right knowledge and consistent experience, eventually, you will crack the code to stay relevant in the industry. And remember, leveraging a top-tier SaaS SEO agency can greatly expedite your journey to success in SaaS SEO and digital visibility.

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