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How Can You Use Technology to Change Your Career?

Technology has now started to infiltrate every single aspect of our lives, including our careers, and hardly anyone foregoes the use of digital technology to kickstart the career of their dreams. However, if you are looking to change your career, there is no better tool to use than technology, and this guide will take you through some of the many ways that you can use technology when you are starting on a new course to a long and fruitful career. 

How Can You Use Technology to Change Your Career in 2021

Take an Online Course 

When you are sick and tired of your original career choice and want to start again with something completely new, you should consider taking an online degree. Many mature students or those who have been out of education for a while may be reluctant to join in the chaos of a campus university or college or may have other commitments that prevent them from following their new career path. If you take an online degree, you will be able to tailor your study time around your own commitments and get the resources that you need to succeed from any location in the world. Then, to make sure that your self-confidence does not hold you back, you should apply for an online nursing degree for non-nurses from Baylor University, giving you all the tools you need regardless of your background. 

Look at Virtual Experiences 

No matter if you are starting a career for the first time or are conducting a major career change halfway through your working years, you will need experience if you want to get into any field. Although you might believe that you need to find the real-world experience to get into a new industry, this is not always possible, either due to location or because of the current global pandemic. Then, you should look at the virtual experiences that are available for you, with many companies now running work experience programs and internships over the internet. Although there is nothing better than getting stuck in face-to-face, these programs can help you to get the experience that you need on your resume until conditions have improved or until you can find a work experience opportunity near you. 

Network Online 

If you are worried about whether you will be the best candidate for your new job and are worried that others who have been training for years will always be ahead of you in terms of being selected for certain roles, you need to make sure that you stand out from the competition. Who you know can be much more important than what you know in some cases, especially if you have not had a lot of prior experience in a field. Then, technology can help you to make the important connections that you need to as many platforms can support your attempts at networking online. For instance, you should consider attending networking events and conferences that are being held on Zoom and sign up to digital networking groups. Often these groups will have established forums where you may be able to find a mentor and even a job that can allow you to make the in-roads that you need to make to be successful in your new choice of career path. 

Find Digital Careers Advice

Most people who are deciding to change their careers want to seek a career advisor's aid and advice. If you do not have the time to see one in person, many career advisors now operate online, using platforms such as Zoom. This can ensure that you can get the advice that you need whenever you need it. Careers advisors can help you seek out job opportunities, help you perfect your applications, and even perfect the resume that you need to impress potential employers. This can also be helpful if you are planning to get a career in another country, ensuring that you can get country-specific career advice before you move to another time zone from your home country. 

Research Jobs Online

Suppose you are desperate for a change of scenery but do not know what you want to do until retirement or are unsure what a certain job entails. In that case, the internet and technology are great resources where you can find out any of the information that you need. There are many career advice websites on the internet, such as The Muse, which can give you guides on certain careers and ideas about how to advance your career quickly in a new field. Not only this but there are also many career quizzes that you can take if you are uncertain what jobs may be right for you in the long run. These can even prompt you to think about jobs that you might not ever have considered for yourself before. If this isn’t enough for you, you can download career apps that can provide you with career tips and information on the go. These can be helpful sources of information if you find that your interest is piqued by a certain job advert when you are out and about. 

Learn New Skills

When you are aiming to change your career in the near future, you will usually assess your skillset to find transferrable skills that can be useful to you within your new industry. However, some skills are industry-specific, and you will only have learned these if you have previously wanted to carve out a career within a certain industry. In these cases, you will need to focus on learning new skills almost as soon as you make the decision to change careers. However, technology can help you with this by providing you with videos and tutorials online that can allow you to teach yourself and spruce up on the specific skills that you need, no matter how technical they are. Not only this but many of these DIY guides will have been curated by professionals, which ensures that you are learning from the best.  

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