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Six Tips To Preserve The Safety Of Children And Teenagers On The Internet

The advent of social networks, the popularization of technologies such as smartphones and tablets, and internet access have profoundly changed the way we behave and relate. The security of these digital environments is a complex challenge, especially for parents and educators who want to protect and guarantee the preservation of young people in the vast and often unknown field of the internet.

Two Girls are talking

On the internet, security is not always a practical issue. This means that developing habits is often safer than installing devices. Knowing how to identify possible sites and contacts for attention or choosing stronger passwords are some customs that can be developed in young people to avoid scams, threats and other risky behaviors.

"Often, it is more interesting to stimulate a debate that encourages empathy and critical analysis of arguments than just pointing out what is a crime and what is not," explains Rodrigo Nejm, director of education at SafeNet. To foster dialogue, you can find a series of tips to encourage children and teenagers to have healthier habits on the internet.

1- Act on choosing strong and difficult to guess passwords

The password for social networks or a personal device should not be shared and must be difficult to guess. Avoiding identifying data, such as a first or last name, or easily identifiable information, such as an address, school, or pet name, is a way to create a strong password. The use of capital letters, numbers, and symbols also helps to create a pattern and avoids the use of passwords by third parties for the creation of false profiles or cybercrimes.

2- Establish a daily access time

Negotiate internet access time with young people and teenagers. Establishing a daily access routine also helps to organize the lives of young people and establish moments of study and other pleasurable activities, such as walking, being with family, being with friends, or practicing physical activities. One app that really helps parents in creating and implementing access rules for kids is FamilyTime Android parental control app. The app offers internet schedules, app scheduler, and nonetheless internet scheduler to manage kids' screen time smartly.

To help kids with this routine, restraining notifications can be important to avoid generating anxiety.

3-Orient about participating in talk groups 

Participating in chats, forums, groups on social networks and in messaging apps is natural for young people, even more so in a moment of searching for identity and connection. But be careful. Instruct them not to share personal information, such as first name, last name, address, school name and parents' names in these groups

4- Mediate meetings with virtual friends

Keeping track of who the young person talks to online and when face-to-face meetings take place is essential to avoid risks. The participation of parents and educators is essential in the mediation of these meetings. In addition to generating trust, the presence of a parent or guardian keeps people with bad intentions away.

5- Orient on digital reputation and responsibility

Having a cell phone and being able to share information, whether by messages or on social networks, is a big responsibility. Guide young people so that they exercise this freedom intelligently, that is, do not share images or write things that they might later regret. Additionally, parents can utilize the Bark app to monitor young kids' activities. The internet does not keep secrets and does not forgive.

6-Stimulate conversation when something bothers you

Conversation and transparency is the best way to identify risks. Ask them to talk to you and seek help whenever they see content that causes fear, insecurity or discomfort.

With these simple tips, parents can certainly preserve the safety of their kids on the internet.

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