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Improve Your Listening Skills by Transcribing

When learning a new language, it's important to have great listening skills. Numerous factors can impact the understanding and response of every speaker during a conversation. These factors include timing, facial expressions, hand gestures, or even tone. Regardless of the factor, listening is the most ideal way of perceiving the message of the other speaker.

Although listening comprehension tends to become a daunting task during language acquisition, it's crucial to concentrate on it and improve it. Without listening, it's nearly impossible to understand the speaker's message, respond to it, or even feel something.


With that said, you can depend on techniques such as transcription to enhance your listening skills in a fascinating but simple manner. Read this post to find out how you can improve your listening skills by transcribing.

How Transcribing Improves Your Listening Skills

Transcribing not only offers reference and recording benefits, but it's also a handy technique for listening exercises. Here are the main benefits associated with transcribing.

a) Transcribing helps in understanding sentence structures

Typically, spoken communication is highly effective when sentences are properly structured. Although speaking may seem quite straightforward, there are numerous instances where the formation of sentences has a significant effect on the message. Misinterpretation of sentences could ruin important meetings or serious conversations. This is why it's essential to consider each detail to prevent confusion.

When you use a transcription service, you can see all the sentences accordingly laid out. Therefore, it'll be easier to understand the speaker's message based on the use of punctuations, placement of words, and the like.

During listening exercises, when you listen to audio simultaneously while reading the transcriptions, it can help to train your speed and precision in understanding the words of a speaker. By using transcriptions to familiarize yourself with each sentence structure, you can improve your listening skills in a short timeframe.

b) Transcribing helps you to retain the message better

It's crucial to have notes and high-quality audio during listening practices. Clear audio with unedited audio offers the most precise representation of the speaker's message, intent, and tone. Clear audio helps the listener to easily hear as well as understand the speaker's words, pauses, parts, and voice level.

What's more, having notes to use as a reference is more advantageous as the majority of people understand better when they have visual guidance. Visual guidance comprises symbols, illustrations, or images; and transcription helps listeners to recall the words that were spoken.

Moreover, live transcription is the perfect way to understand the intent and tone of the speaker. Live transcription is where the speaker's text is synced with the audio file to match the timing of that recording. Essentially, responsive pacing and pauses help to greatly understand the emotions, intention, seriousness, and urgency of the speaker.

c) Transcribing saves you a huge chunk of time

It may be common knowledge, but transcribing helps to save time both for understanding and recording reasons. Unlike having to listen to myriads of lines, transcription tools can produce text from a particular file in a considerably short time, depending on the length of the content.

What's more, visual or written content is more convenient to grasp as compared to verbal or other on-demand content.

Learners of a language who have less time available will appreciate how transcribing speeds things up. Rather than repeating ton a certain part of an audio file that you didn't understand, you can quickly check the definition of the words you didn't understand via transcription. By doing so, you can bite-size lessons considering how easy the text can be divided into portions.

d) Transcribing is an enjoyable style to learn a language

Many people tend to find it hard to learn a new language. With a plethora of symbols, letters, pronunciations, and many other challenges, it's quite simple to become overwhelmed, tired, or even bored. Luckily, an audio transcription practice can help to spice up things a little.

When you're listening to an audio recording, having a reference can make the learning process more fun. That said, transcribing can make you understand better the entire speech, and appreciate the content more.

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