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The Future of AIOps - Advancements in Technology and Research & Development

    AIOps (artificial intelligence for IT operations) have transitioned from a cutting-edge, once almost fringe technology, to the norm in many IT operations offices. Why? The transformative power of these AIOps platforms makes their implementation necessary to stay in the same league as the competition but also to be able to handle the sheer amount of data that they are being bombarded with. These AIOps solutions are the path forward, whether people want to embrace artificial intelligence or not.


    NTT, in a round-up of tech experts on AIOps, said, “It can help IT teams streamline their operations, reduce downtime and lessen the impact of service disruptions by being more proactive in addressing issues before they affect users.”

    What Makes AIOps So Revolutionary?

    Information Technology Operations are Forever Transformed

    Human limitation and operator error have often been the limiting factor for many IT departments. With AIOps, IT has become an entirely new space where automatable tasks and processes are no longer done by humans so that they can focus on other, more important matters.

    Uses Operations Data to Identify Patterns and Direct Digital Transformation

    Pattern recognition is a particularly handy skill to possess, especially when working with large data sets. AIOps leverages the computing power of AI to identify patterns and direct digital transformation in the IT space.

    Machine Learning Algorithms Leverages Big Data Like Never Before

    Correlations that were once a mystery to the IT department are now easily distinguishable from the background noise using big data and machine learning algorithms.

    How Does AIOps Drive Advancements in Technology and R&D?

    What is the benefit of all this? Advancements in technology, including research and development projects, are no longer restricted by the ability to quantify and sift through heaps of data. That can all be automated and simplified so that teams can focus on innovation and improvements. This can lead to significant advances made possible by these AIOps systems.

    Problem Resolution

    Problem resolution, which once needed an IT operative, can be completely handled, for the most part, without human input, maintaining the IT team’s focus on the projects at hand.

    DevOps Teams and Culture

    Developing and maintaining these tools takes time and effort but as AIOps become smarter and more advanced, they speed up the development process by suggesting (and eventually maybe even implementing) improvements of their own.

    Enhanced Monitoring Tools

    Enhanced monitoring tools mean more accurate readings and measurements, which in turn lead to more precise tools and systems. Having a deep understanding of the data that you are monitoring allows you to take bigger risks (when you are working on an R&D project) with more confidence that you are making the right move.

    Performance Monitoring

    As you develop new tools and systems, performance monitoring, powered by AIOps, allows you to track and assess if the programs and processes are operating as they should.

    Enhanced Customer Service and Experience

    Advancements in R&D are not necessarily related to customer service and experience but improvements in technology are often the by-product of customer experience and satisfaction. AIOps ensures that teams can navigate the waves of data they are receiving and turn that into actionable data points.

    Real-Time Event Correlation

    Knowing how events affect each other, particularly unexpected events, in real-time gives IT departments the edge they need to discover, understand, and solve the problems they face. When developing new products or systems, this facet of AIOps is particularly important.

    Real-Time Root Cause Analysis

    Knowing the effects of an event and understanding its genesis is different. Root cause analysis, which can be done in real-time with AIOps, allows teams to understand how one event leads to another and how that can cause a cascade of events. Information like this can make or break an R&D project and be the key to that the technological advancement that a company is pursuing.

    The Future of AIOps is the Future of IT

    This wave of change has forever altered the landscape of IT. AIOps will forever be a critical part of IT operations moving forward and will likely have a hand in some of the biggest discoveries and innovations in the years to come.

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