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7 Tips to Disconnect from Work at Night and on Weekends

    It's not healthy to think about work 24/7! You need to rest, invest time in your interests, and enjoy good times with your loved ones. If you find it hard to disconnect from work once the workday ends and during your days off, it's time to take action.

    From setting schedules and limits, to delegating tasks and getting a good night's sleep. After all, a heavy workload and poor sleep can lead to working outside your hours. So, let's see what recommendations to follow!

    Tips to Disconnect from Work at Night

    Set schedules and limits

    The first thing to do is to define a schedule to start and finish your daily work, and thus avoid answering emails or work calls outside the established time. Once your day is over, we recommend you turn off email notifications, calendars, and Telegram or WhatsApp groups. If you need extra time for personal pursuits, like education, consider options like having someone 'write my paper for cheap' or 'do my tasks,' giving you more free time.

    Also, consider that, to keep track of your schedule, you can use tools such as Toggl or Clockify, which record your work time and ensure that you do not extend beyond what was planned.

    Create a personal relaxation space

    Create a space in your home meant only for relaxation and rest. Avoid any unnecessary distractions or reminders of work. This space can be your bedroom or a corner that you can fill with elements that help you disconnect, such as books or relaxing music.

    Similarly, spend a few minutes before bedtime listening to music, reading a novel you love, taking a shower, or meditating. Also, use apps like Calm or Headspace that will allow you to meditate and relax in your intimate space.

    Entertain yourself through hobbies and passions

    Cultivate your hobbies and passions outside of work. Participate in activities you enjoy, such as cooking, reading, painting, playing a musical instrument, practicing yoga, etc. We suggest joining communities or clubs that relate to your passions and where you can spend quality time with people who share your interests.

    You can search on social networks or forums for communities related to your hobbies and begin to establish ties. You can also volunteer in your spare time or meet people through Meetup.

    Avoid bringing work "home."

    Although this can be difficult, when your home is also your workplace, try to leave your work tasks and documents at the office or the space you have set aside for them at home.

    Likewise, we return to what was said in previous points, and avoid the company's mail and applications where documents and others are stored. Disconnect physically and mentally.

    Establish "days without work."

    Take your days off very seriously. If necessary, designate one or two days a week as "non-work days," you should commit to not thinking or performing functions related to your job. For example, devote weekends to hobbies and spending time with family and friends.

    Set aside those non-work days in your weekly calendar and set up vacation or out-of-office auto-replies in your email. Use tools such as Gmail or Outlook to notify you that you will not be available.

    Delegate tasks

    Learn to delegate tasks or responsibilities at work to reduce the workload in your free time. Dare to trust your team and colleagues. Ask for help and talk to your boss or leader if you feel you can't handle the full load, as it is better to let them know you are feeling overwhelmed than to have your productivity drop abruptly.

    Assign specific tasks to your colleagues, but first, get everything in order and notify your boss in advance. For this, use project management tools such as Asana or Trello that make it possible to organize and distribute tasks among all those involved.

    Eat and sleep well

    Taking care of your physical health through good food and adequate rest will allow you to regain strength to start a new workday in a better mood, which in turn reduces work stress and will help you disconnect from work at night and on the weekend. Self-care is essential for your career and private life to align in the best way.

    Eat consciously, avoiding or reducing caffeine or foods high in sugars, as these can affect your energy levels and sleep. Also, create a relaxing environment in your bedroom, avoid excessive use of electronic devices before bedtime, and establish a sleep routine of eight hours a day.

    Discovering Productivity in the Art of Unplugging

    Although we may think that disconnecting from work goes against the idea of productivity, this is not the case, as learning to do so is essential for optimal performance in our job. Companies do not want unmotivated and stressed workers; they want revitalized people who can carry out their tasks efficiently.

    That's why it is essential to take time for yourself, take time away from work, and disconnect to renew your energy, improve your mental clarity, and enrich your creativity. Don't feel ashamed or worried about putting aside the professional and personal spheres because there is a time and space for everything. Your goal will be to discover how to disconnect from work to lead a balanced life and equally boost productivity and success in all aspects of your life.

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