In the era of high-speed internet on mobile phones, on Saturday, our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, launched 5g telephone services in the country. At the IMC conference in 2022, the Prime Minister launched the services of 5g in some selected cities, and over a couple of years, these services will be covering the whole country very fast.
Rajkotupdates News has provided all of the latest news about this launch. Through this article of us, we will be providing you with in-depth and detailed information about Rajkotupdates.News: A Historic Day For 21st Century India PM Modi Launched 5g In India so that you will be able to know everything very clearly, and thus, you may continue reading his piece of information.Detailed Information
At Pragati Maidan in New Delhi during the inaugural ceremony of the Indian Mobile Congress on October 1, 2022, the Prime Minister of India has launched 5g services. Thus, mobile phone users in India will soon be able to have a fantastic experience of 5g ultra high-speed wireless technology. While launching this, the Prime Minister said that it would be the beginning of a new era of opportunities in the country.During this ceremony, so many people, such as CMD of Reliance Industries, Mr Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Aditya Birla Group, Mr Kumar Mangalam, Mr Sunil Bharti, Mittal Enterprises Chairman, shared the stage with the Prime Minister. Mr. Mittal said that Bharti Airtel’s 5g services are launched in eight cities which, includes Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, and others, and by March 2024, it will be covering the entire country. Mr. Ambani announced that Jio would be providing these services from Diwali, and Mr. said that Vodafone will soon provide these services.
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Highlights of this ceremony
- Ashwini Vaishnaw announced that in the upcoming six months, 5g services will be available in over 200 cities.
- Akash Ambani announced that they would make it affordable, and till December, Jio is going to cover the whole country.
- To reduce the cost of hardware manufacturing, PM urges the telecom industry to work with the MSMEs.
- PM Modi said that we should use the launch of 5g services for economic development and unprecedented growth of the country, and it will not be limited to day-to-day activities.
- The PM said that India is creating History as during the past days, the country was only dependent on foreign countries 2g, 3g, and 4g.
- As compared to earlier, the cost of data will be comparatively low.
- To revolutionize the telecom sector, 5g services will help a lot.
- Kumar Birla has announced that in the next three years, the 5g network will set the stage to become a 5 trillion dollar economy for India.
Cities in which 5g is launched
There are 13 cities in which the 5g network is launched, and they are Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Bengaluru, Gurugram, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Jamnagar, and Pune.Benefits of 5g Network
it is much faster than 4g and delivers up to twenty gigabits per second. It has lower latency and much higher capacity, and compared to 4g, it has increased bandwidth. 5g is more reliable as compared to 4g and provides massive network capacity, maximizes availability and allows users to have a more consistent experience. With the emergence of 5g in India, there will be good growth in the mobile consumer base in India. For many industries, good speed and increased bandwidth will help in opening the doors of the new and latest technology, and the main advantage of using 5g is to have blazing fast speed.Disadvantages of 5g
with the announcement of its launch, they will not be able to offer all the services around the whole country, and all the big cities will have this advantage first, and rural areas may face so much time to have this facility. Tall buildings and trees result in working as an obstacle to high-frequency radio waves; thus, there will be more need for cellular towers to have extensive coverage. There may be more risk or cybersecurity, and there will be more opportunities for cybercriminals to attack.Also Read - Apple iPhone Exports From India Doubled Between April And August
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