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How My Photo Appears On Web Search?

One of the most important things you can do for the search engine ranking is to set up the Google Authorship. This is the place where Google will display the little photo of the things for any search results that you have authored. Having the photo on the web will pave way for SERP ranking as it is also one of the criteria for Google ranking. This makes people look for uploading their images in the web pages. Here are certain things you have to know to have your image on the search engine.

How My Photo Appears On Web Search?

Benefits of having your image on the website 

When you have such photos, there are lots of benefits to enjoy like-

  • Enhanced CTR: Results with the photo are going to get more clicks through rate when compared to those who do not have.

  • Increased exposure: An important part of a successful brand is making sure that the image will appear in several places. This will help you with help with great exposure for the brand.
  • Increased trust and authority: Results with Google Authorship will look a lot more trustworthy than the sites that do not have. It will also make the result to be seamless and official. This is highly important for the brands that are trying to sell the products.

Adding an image to the web

  • Post the image to any website: If you would like your photograph or image to appear in the Google search results, you will obviously have to post the image on the website. If you do not own any website, there are some free content hosting services that you can use to add the image.
  • Ensure the image you post is public and searchable: When you post the image on the public and searchable website, you can make it possible for Google to find the image and add it to the image index. When you upload the image, ensure that the page your image is on is public access for the people to access it.

Tips to help the image appear in search

To help youth image to appear in the Google result pages, you have to follow the image publishing guidelines.

  • Include the descriptive text: You can include the text somewhere near the image such as “alt” tag or any other suitable caption. This will help Google to understand what the image is showing and the searches it will relate to the users.

  • Upload supreme quality photos: Great photo content is an excellent way to build enough traffic to the website.

Finally, you have to be patient and upload the images to the web without instantly appearing in the search results. You have to wait until the site is indexed by Google and only this can show up the search results.

The bottom line

So, you have now learnt about uploading the photos on the internet. However, there are lots of features and tips you have to care for when you are posting such images on the website. Ensure you are following the right guidelines and achieving the best results as expected.

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