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I Love You Google or I Love You but I Google Other People

Literally, I can tell you so many reasons for which I can say I Love You Google so much. Everybody has their own reasons for loving it and I have also my own reasons that’s why I am in love with Google so much. Google purely and totally justify our love for the help it has provided us over time and for the faith, trust and belief that we had in Google that it will surely help us in the future also in different ways.

    Why So Much Interest in Google?

    Of course, we can clearly say that Google is very advantageous and favourable for us as it is such a good search engine, with the help of Google we can easily obtain any information in different ways with effectiveness and efficiency. From helping us to do our school work to cooking, from providing education to entertainment, from skincare to information about startups, from searching or finding a place to shopping online it helps us a lot in making our life so convenient and easy that’s why I love Google so much. Only those people who may not use this powerful and amazing search engine have fear of using this.

    I Love You Google

    Advantages of Using Google - 

    Seriously it is unbelievable that there are so many advantages or we can say benefits of using Google, among so many of them, here are some which I want to tell you

    • Results are accurate: As we all know that Google is the best among all the search engines. When we search anything on Google it gives us the most accurate result even if we use the same phrase and not the same word then also it provides us with the desirable result by giving us the most relatable and exact information.
    • Video conferencing: If we want to do a face time, if we want to see somebody who is miles away from us and wants to talk to them then we can do video conferencing by using Google.
    • Helps in reading books: If we want to read something and we don’t have material available physically then we can read several books and articles online with the help of Google in our free time to make it interesting and non-booring.
    • Education sector: Google is providing a big role in the education sector by helping so many people who want to get some kind of information without any cost or we can say free. We just have access to the internet and that’s all that we need.
    • News: By having the comfort of our home we can look over any news from all over the world this helps us in improving our knowledge about what is happening over the world and keeps us updated.
    • Shopping: This is my favourite reason of mine that why I Love Google and why all people Love Google. In this busy world, Google provides us with the facility of shopping with ease, convenience and comfort in our home which helps us in saving time and travelling costs.

    Google Provides Several Money-earning Opportunities

    Literally, there are so many ways through which one can earn money so easily with the help of Google. Google serious plays a major role here in so many cases.

    Google come up with so many lucky chances for us. If we are searching for the best hotels, parks, shopping malls etc. near us then it provides and tells us the suitable and best things.

    If somebody is starting his/her new business then he can get registered himself on Google maps so that the customers can easily find them out and the business can increase its earning capacity by this as so many consumers get attracted towards his business and come to get goods and services from it.

    I Love You but I Google Other People

    As so many people love Google so much due to several reasons and facilities provided by it helps us in so many ways by providing convenience, effectiveness and efficiency. There is also one song in which the name of Google is used to gain attention, I Love You but I Google Other People which is released in 2014 by the album It is My Party the artist of this song was Nele Needs A Holiday and there are 335k views and 2.6k likes on this song.

    Why I Love Google?

    As you all know that Google is the most amazing search engine. It gained popularity among all of us by providing such amazing facilities which helped us a lot. Nowadays whenever we need anything or whenever we need to search for anything we just Google it on Google and within seconds the answers come on the screen of our device which could be a mobile phone, laptop, tablet or anything.

    Reasons why I Love Google So Much

    • Convenient: This mobile application is on the next level. Google is such an amazing mobile application, there is a shortage of words to praise and compliment it. We can search for something or anything on Google and can have the knowledge about it in a few seconds, we can use an online shopping module for ordering something to our home by just seeing it online.
    • Google maps: I think there is not so much need to say anything about this feature as everybody knows its benefits. It is such a good, powerful and amazing innovation which helps us a lot nowadays. We can search several stores and business firms or entities here and could reach the exact location. This feature is up to our expectations.
    • Gmail: As compared to Gmail, most people don’t use and love Yahoo in the same way. People usually love to use Gmail if feels familiar and close to them. This feature is also as amazing as other features are.
    • Youtube: In this era can anybody think of their life without Youtube? Youtube has created such a beautiful corner in our hearts as it plays a major role in our entertainment purpose for us. We usually watch so many videos on youtube that we want to watch. We listen to so many songs on Youtube, educational videos, cooking lessons, arts etc. Youtube also suggests so many random videos to watch.
    • Google Chrome: Chrome is such a lovely browser to use for various purposes which are again developed by Google. On two thousand eight, December eleven, it was first released for Google.
    • Google photos: It is such a big task for one, to store manage and organize all the photos in a single place. Here, Google Photos helps us in storing our photos and videos. It works very well on both android and IOS devices by providing us with the backup facility of our media. Such an amazing thing.

    Bottom Line:

    I hope u all liked our article. If you have any queries regarding this then you can comment and ask. We have explained very well why we love Google.

    Also Read - Ads Settings Google

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